People are not problems to fix.

Holistic care,
led by locals.

When lives are destroyed,
food is not enough.

For $9 a month, you can provide
whole solutions for whole people.

© Ihsan Ibraheem

Our collective superpower.

Foreign aid today is often siloed.

Mental health is detached from hunger. Camps lack economic opportunities. Bandaids instead of paths to wholeness. Something has gone terribly wrong.

But HUMANITE is different.

Your membership joins you with friends who are already local. HUMANITE is fluent in the conflicts you're longing to heal.

HUMANITE sees people to love. Not problems to solve. And people need peace. Not piecemeal help.

These are my values, too!

In other words...

starstarstarstarpartial star

"Losing our house was the end of the world until you showed up and gave us a place to call home again. Thank you from all our heart!"

Abdul Hamid sits in a park with his family, displaced by the earthquake. Syira, February 2023

Abdul Hamid

Turkey-Syria Earthquake Survivor| 2023

“HUMANITE has been critical with access, supplies, doctors, & nurses to protect demonstrators across Iran."

Hengaw Logo


Iran 2023

"You took care of me like I was your own son. I will never forget it."

Testimonial headshot.

Sameer D.

Graduate | Prisoner of War| Australia, 2022

"They used to call us refugees. Now, because of you, they call us The Soapmakers."

Testimonial Headshot

Faris E.

Soapmaker | Yezidi Refugee | Kurdistan, 2022

"My life will never be the same."

Testimonial headshot.

Khadeeja I.

Artisan | Syrian Refugee | Kurdistan, 2022

"Your work was the best! I'm so grateful for you!"


Haji Waad

Cheesemaker |Displaced Iraqi | Mosul, 2022

"Without you, we wouldn't have been able to restore stability to the provinces."

Sameer A.

Sameer A.

Prime Minister's Office, Iraq | Baghdad, 2022

"Your love has made a difference in many Lebanese lives!"

Testimonial headshot.

Hassan Y.

Student | Beirut, 2022

"You have been true friends and saved many from poverty."


Jamila H.

Artisan | Syrian Refugee |Germany, 2022

"You can trust this team. They show up for you when times are bad and help you reach your success."

Testimonial Headshot

Firas K.

Welder | Displaced Iraqi | Nineveh, 2022

"Thank you for your sincerity, diligent work, and strenuous efforts."

Testimonial Headshot

Dr. Zulfiqar J.

Mayor, Al-Rumaitha Municipality, Iraq | 2022

"This team kept a lot of people from death. We named our baby after them. What more can I say?"

Testimonial Headshot

Sozan K.

Soapmaker | Yezidi Refugee | Sinjar, 2022

"I love this team because they cared for us, as women, more than anyone else in the camp. If I could, I’d return to work with them!"

Testimonial headshot.

Naza M.

Artisan | Syrian Refugee | Canada, 2022

"In the darkest period of our country, you were here to support and give us hope to move forward. We will always be grateful."

Testimonial headshot.

Colette H.

Lawyer | Explosion Survivor| Lebanon, 2022

Before War

To the ends
of the earth.

Conflicts often start in remote regions before spreading to cities or terrorism abroad.

HUMANITE works in hard-to-reach territories to stop violence before it starts.

Your membership:
relieves extreme food shortages
organizes cooperation among tribes, sects, & ethnic groups
ensures development projects and business creation

© Ihsan Ibraheem

Before the next war starts.

By the time the world learns about a conflict, it’s been boiling beneath the surface for years.

Don't wait for a crisis. HUMANITE is already here, stopping violence before it starts.

Today’s wars are driven by those who feel they’ve lost as the world changes.

Your HUMANITE membership bridges gaps, heals divides, humanizes enemies, and creates environments where all can rise together.

When peace comes under fire, you’re already here.

© Ghassan Ibraheem

Before the next war starts.

By the time the world learns about a conflict, it’s been boiling beneath the surface for years.

Don't wait for a crisis. HUMANITE is already here, stopping violence before it starts.

Today’s wars are driven by those who feel they’ve lost as the world changes.

Your HUMANITE membership bridges gaps, heals divides, humanizes enemies, and creates environments where all can rise together.

When peace comes under fire, you’re already here.

Iraq Baghdad 2019 © Ihsan Ibraheem

During War

A holistic
to peace.

Blanket responses don't work.

In a collective, you can give whole solutions for whole people, on the run or returning home.

Your membership:
▸ breaks blockades with food and medical relief
▸ opens businesses in war zones and camps
▸ runs clinics & schools until services return

© Ihsan Ibraheem

During bombings
and battles.

When bombs fall and blockades starve children, your membership helps HUMANITE run toward those in need.

Conflicts don't move in straight lines.

So, your membership nurtures peace at every step.

Your first month might give food. By the second, you could be starting businesses for people to return and rebuild.

Membership gives your colleagues flexibility to give all for peace.

© Ihsan Ibraheem

During bombings
and battles.

When bombs fall and blockades starve children, your membership helps HUMANITE run toward those in need.

Conflicts don't move in straight lines.

So, your membership nurtures peace at every step.

Your first month might give food. By the second, you could be starting businesses for people to return and rebuild.

Membership gives your colleagues flexibility to give all for peace.

Woman Bakery Business © Ihsan Ibraheem

After War

Until the
job is done.

When news moves on, HUMANITE is here, remaking futures to prevent the return of violence.

Your membership:
▸ rebuilds homes and businesses destroyed by war
▸ fosters local economies & refugee returns
▸ supports refugees as they get back on their feet

© Ihsan Ibraheem

After all but hope is gone.

“After war” is fragile. Even more when locals see foreign aid move on before the job is done.

Communities trust the locals who invest in them. And they see how your membership helps HUMANITE stay 'til the end.

By the time a ceasefire is brokered, your membership has already built years of trust.

After war, your ongoing membership fortifies peace, rebuilding home with displaced friends and bridging gaps they face getting back on their feet.

Maker Space © Ihsan Ibraheem

News & Updates

New cohort of welders certified to help rebuilding process after war in Iraq.

New 'Welding Corps' to help rebuild war damage

HUMANITE announced the addition of a new cohort of independent welders working to service the rebuilding of the region last week through its business link program.

HUMANITE training seminar in Lebanon for teachers and school children.

Youth mental health needs spike in Lebanon amidst economic collapse, one group's response

In the face of rising uncertainty, fears of war, and mass poverty, mental health needs among youth are reaching "never before seen" levels, a peace collective called 'HUMANITE' said this week. HUMANITE's cofounder Michel Tannous...

Victim of state violence in Islamic Republic of Iran.

Underground medical network in Iran pulls bodies from streets

An underground collective of doctors and nurses in Iran is treating 100+ victims of state violence per week with the funding of a humanitarian group founded by refugees and war survivors who have suffered mightily at the hands of the Islamic Republic in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and beyond. HUMANITE Peace Collective was...

HUMANITE business grant recipient.

HUMANITE announces opening of 10 small businesses in Nineveh, Iraq

A different approach to "livelihoods", the catch-all name used across the humanitarian industry to refer to a range of job creation efforts, aims to secure better long-term outcomes for refugees and returnees seeking to rebuild after violence. "We project 90-100% success from this cohort," said Jeremy Courtney, one of the group's cofounders. "The main difference...

HUMANITE founder Zido Khalaf walks through rubble in SInjar.

Turkish airstrikes threaten vulnerable communities in Iraq, says rights org HUMANITE

Eight years after ISIS drove them from this land, the Yezidi people have begun returning home. When they arrive, they find their houses and towns destroyed—and not all of it is the result of the war with ISIS that gripped the world from 2014-2017. Today, it is Turkish airstrikes that are responsible for the destruction of hospitals, roads, and...

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Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Join the peace collective!

We all give.
We all gain.
We all rise.

© Ihsan Ibraheem
Dashboard mockup

Join the peace collective!

We all give.
We all gain.
We all rise!

Join to help Refugees