Why Your Gift Matters

For just $29, you can change a life today. How do we know? Because donors like you changed ours.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in a world where crisis and conflict dominate your newsfeed. The loudest voices, shouting each other down. It’s killing our compassion.

Sadly, peace has become partisan—or paralyzed.

But HUMANITE helps you bring relief to these searing debates with practical, inclusive ways to respond.

The Urgent Need
As a team of local peacemakers, the situations you’re helping us face are often dire. In places rocked by conflict, violence, and displacement, our neighbours’ needs are pressing. Whether it's the relentless impact of war, the destruction of our cities, or the heartbreaking consequences of human trafficking, your generosity and support help us continue our work as agents of peace.

Our Unique Approach
Founded by refugees and war survivors, HUMANITE’s local, full-cycle approach sets us apart—before, during, and after war.

Ever wondered if your gift makes a difference?

Donors like you have helped:

  • break blockades to deliver lifesaving aid
  • kickstart thousands of refugee businesses
  • broker peace between communities at odds

You’re Not Alone
Our donors’ commitment to alleviating suffering and building resilient communities has yielded remarkable results.

  • 75,000,000 meals served
  • 3,000 new businesses and jobs
  • 1 billion litres of clean water
  • 10,000 lifesaving surgeries
  • 1,000,000 medical consultations
  • 300 vital reconstruction projects

Peace? Or Piecemeal?
When you live the conflicts you’re dying to solve, you understand that no single response is ever enough. People need peace, not piecemeal help. That's why your donations provide holistic solutions: food and shelter; mental health support and job opportunities.

People to love, not problems to solve.

Your $29 donation can…

  • Relieve immediate hunger and medical needs.
  • Return clean water to shattered neighbourhoods.
  • Generate income through new businesses and jobs.
  • Provide safety with rebuilt homes and schools.
  • Help displaced people return home.

But, above all, your gift fans the flames of our collective compassion and brings us one step closer to the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

Will you join us as a monthly member or with a one-time donation today? 

Jeremy Courtney

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Safe. Secure.
Your security matters. That’s why we combine PCI DSS compliance, advanced encryption, and GDPR adherence to create a fortress of protection around your transactions and data.
Ways to Give

Get more to those who need it most.

The best tools in modern philanthropy to ensure maximum savings and speed of delivery.

Employer Match

Did you know your company may automatically match your donation up to 4X? Multiply your gift with just a few clicks now.

Right Arrow Black


Would you like to avoid 37% in taxes and get a tax deduction? Donate stocks! We have the simplest process in the business.

Right Arrow Black


Did you know you can donate your digital assets? Avoid up to 37% capital gains tax and get a deduction for the full value of your gift. Our international donors find crypto 66X more cost efficient than traditional wires. 

Right Arrow Black

Donor Advised Fund

Got money in a DAF? You can securely transfer in minutes with our simple widget.


Prefer to give by Cheque?
You can send your gift to:

HUMANITE Foundation Canada
2967 Dundas St. W., #483D
Toronto, Ontario M6P 1Z2


If you believe in…

Truck Icon © HUMANITE
Frontlines work where it’s needed most.
Puzzle Icon © HUMANITE
Filling gaps that are overlooked.
Flash Icon © HUMANITE
Helping fast so needs don’t fester.
World Icon © HUMANITE
Help that lasts beyond the photo op.
Peace Icon © HUMANITE
Making peace by living among the communities we serve.

Then you’ll love HUMANITE!

Become a member

The Power of Your 10X Impact

HUMANITE was founded by refugees and war survivors. Our locally-led approach makes all the difference. Every program is either building on, or building toward our long history of impact in a specific place. We remove the waste of foreign aid. You increase your impact 10X!

Welders Singar Iraq © HUMANITE
Our Impact

Our Collective Work

For ~20 years, our team has been building global organizations, national networks, and local chapters for peace. We’ve succeeded. We’ve failed. And we’ve grown through it all. Today, more than $1B in economic uplift across 10+ countries originates from your investments in peace.
Bread Icon © HUMANITE


meals served
Water Icon © HUMANITE



of clean water delivered
Doctor Icon © HUMANITE


medical consultations



new businesses and jobs
Heart Icon © HUMANITE



lifesaving surgeries
School Icon © HUMANITE




In other words...

Syria Earthquake 2023 © HUMANITE

"You can trust this team. They show up for you when times are bad and help you reach your success."

Testimonial Headshot

Firas K.

Welder | Displaced Iraqi | Nineveh, 2022
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